Ballet is stunning to behold when it’s exactly timed, but it also happens to be quite good when it’s not. Austrian ballerinas of the Vienna State Opera perform this parody dance performance. For humorous impact, the routine includes periods of contrived “mistakes,” however it requires skill to execute this routine without any real mistakes!

The hilarious choreography for the dance, titled “When Ballet Goes Wrong,” was masterfully done by NYC ballet artist Jerome Robbins.

The audience subtly conveys to us what it would be like to witness an out-of-sync act by laughing at every “mistake” made by the professional dancers. The irony is that Chopin’s “Mistake” Waltz in E minor is played during the performance.

Pacific Northwest Ballet

Here’s another outstanding rendition of this piece by Pacific Northwest Ballet. These comical scenes from The Concert will resonate with anyone who has ever danced.

Who Was Jerome Robbins?

One of the most influential choreographers of the 20th century is Jerome Robbins. The American-born choreographer developed some of the greatest routines for Broadway productions, such as Fiddler on the Roof and Westside Story, and was actively involved in the New York City Ballet.
